Monday, April 26, 2010

diventare goes to the Kennedy Center

diventare went to the kennedy center! AND, they even made us the poster!! ;)

(we were all pretty excited about that!)

We got to perform at the Terrace Theatre, which is a wonderful space with an extensive rep plot--it even had scrollers for us! The show fit very nicely on the stage, and I think it was the right size space for diventare to live in. I especially liked the modifications that the scenic designer made to the placement of the jetty and the aquarium set pieces--it all looked fabulous!

in all seriousness, the KC-ACTF experience in DC was fabulous in every way. The staff at the Kennedy Center were great; the load-in/tech/strike process was smooth; the show looked good and ran well. Plus, we got a fantastic audience reception. I am very glad that diventare ended on such a high note! I couldn't be more pleased with the entire process. plus, my sister joined us for the weekend--extra fun!

Friday, April 9, 2010

day one of opera tech

hello from opera tech! i am happy at how comfortable i feel in this process. (not physical comfort sadly, since sitting on that board is NOT fun :) )
yes, there are lots of things that still need to be focused and yes, we have a ton of notes. BUT, when i am looking at the stage , i know what i need to do. and its so much fun. (that's good, right?!)

the thing i am happiest about is the fact that all of my "homework" paid off. the colors work, the angles work, i have all the pieces i need and everything looks considered and fitting with the show. i am also very comfortable with my cue list and managed to rough in most of the big looks for the whole show, so a lot of the work that is left is polishing the basic compositions and of course adding in all the little cues for the action/blocking/shifts. the BEST thing about the show so far? DEFINITELY the drop/scrim. it is SO gorgeous..posting pictures as soon as i take them!

things i learned so far:
1) you can fake anything: water effects, angle, sunlight through name it!
2) you don't need tons of different angles to do a convincing sunset
3) a little goes a long way
4) parked dimmers are your friend (thanks Mark!)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

t-minus 1 day!

so, this post is more giddy and excited....but i decided to write it anyways because it's part of the experience. in one day, i will be focusing my 450 unit opera plot. it's scary because there are so many lights and im terrified that i have made a mistake somewhere. but, it's exciting because all of those sections and math and work and rehearsal hours will finally start to pay off. i can't wait to see the full stage lit with the drop and all the trees/cabin/glade/pump.

it's also exciting because this will be the largest show that i have ever designed. AND my parents are coming to see it (the first time they have seen something since my senior year of college). im finalizing my cue list, and trying to precue things in my head so that when i finally sit down with com i can write cues like a madwoman. :) so---wish me luck!

Monday, April 5, 2010

real live theatre

happy baseball season everyone! THIS is theatre.