Thursday, January 22, 2009

red tape

the world of theatre is filled with all sorts of unconventional people and things who are defined as creative and dont care about the rules. For every one of these people there is a handler, whom we refer to as the bearer of red tape. Here is a standard experience which I have had over the last week. Remember: me-creative, C-A-red tape, JC-middleman.

sometime in december....

me: I got this email saying I am nominated for an award. I have to go F... for a week.

C-A: That's great! We will make sure you have a hotel to stay in, along with the other people who got nominated. Just figure out how to rent a car and give us the receipt. We won't pay for food, but other than that you are set.

me: Sweet.

sometime in january....

JC: So, youll need to be getting your hotel and we aren't getting reimbursed for the cars.

me: WHAT??? I dont have that kind of money for a week!

C-A: Don't look at us!

The truth about the matter is that dear old C-A has no idea what is actually going on in the world that he is trying to handle. And the result is confusion, chaos, and lack of funding. And now what am I supposed to do, seeing as I am supposed to go to this event in FOUR days. FOUR days to find a hotel in a completely booked town for the one event of the year which fills up their hotels. Not to mention that there are only two hotels, one of which is gross and the other of which is expensive. And I was nominated for an award and it sucks that my hands are tied like this.

In other news, the four draftings that I have due in four days are ....... not progressing at all. I keep getting distracted by lots of lovely things like making orange souffle, cleaning my house, organizing my library thing and perhaps most importantly trying to find a way to put all my books on the shelves without double stacking.

Which is never going to happen. I have too many wonderful books! And today my project is to clear the mantle so my loebs can go there instead of in the case and thus free up space. Yay for books!

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