Thursday, December 24, 2009

thinking ahead

finals done. portfolio review done. website updated. projects done. grading done.

yay christmas!

i started laying out my semester today in my little planner--its gonna be a fun one. two trips to NYC in March--one for InCite and the other for the Helmsley Portfolio Review , which I am observing. one trip to New Hampshire for ACTF Region One . One opera on the mainstage (Susannah--its gonna be awesome!) and lots of other fun things planned. im also taking a course in opera as well as scene design--which I am SUPER excited about!

in other news, I have managed to keep my actual life afloat much better this year--and in general, all things have been much calmer, much better, and much happier than last fall. yay! in the interest of keeping it that way, i am planning another hop across the pond for the end of my break, after InCite. after all, I'll be in NYC...

my other immediate goal for next semester is to acquire a nice camera and train myself to take pictures of my shows. i realize that is a tall order, but the fact that i can't do that REALLY gets in the way. and, as luck would have it, my camera died a few months ago--so i am in the market for a new one. any thoughts? im leaning towards the canon rebel... I really wish that i could take a photography class, but alas I am at the credit mark for the coming semester and honestly, I can not handle an overload with all of these extra excursions coming up.

in the meantime, enjoy the holidays! here's a christmas gift for yall: fireflies

merry christmas to all and to all a good night!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

photo call

today is photocall for one of my shows. photocall is something that i wish i were better at, because i always feel a little at loose ends and incredibly tense during them. i am lucky that i have good friends who are great behind the lens...bc i dont know anything about taking good pictures (other than to know what i want in those pictures) and i dont have a nice camera. in fact, i dont have a camera at all, due to the fact that my little one just broke a month again. i have only my cell hiss.

i need to learn how to take my own pictures/get a nice camera, bc the fact that i dont have this skill is actually a huge problem. i have to rely on others and i cant control what images i get all the time...which is bad news for needing to maintain my website and just archiving what i want to archive in general.

any suggestions? im thinking canon rebel...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

hold me batboy save me batboy

yes that's right. i just opened batboy at harvard. and it is beautiful! EVERYONE should go see it: BATBOY!

this is a pretty special show. first, the director and i go way back--i cant think of many directors who i would rather work with than matt at this moment. second, larry has been VERY involved in the production--and he is coming on wednesday night. cross your fingers that he likes it! third, weekly world news is VERY invested in our production--we are one of the top hits on their website...TWICE! see the MAIN ARTICLE
and the FOLLOW UP . they even sent us TSHIRTS! it is fabulous!

ill post pictures soon on my website. here is a link to the CRIMSON PREVIEW that features a nice photograph of my lighting.